Cannot create new topic in Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster

Cannot create new topic in Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster


I created an mqtt-to-kafka-transformer, which should dynamically create a new topic in Kafka. However, this fails:

WARN - [Producer clientId=hivemq-kafka-extension-producer-1] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 1 : {my-new-topic=UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION}


  1. Go to the Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster and verify how many partitions the topic there has.

  2. If it is different from the default 3, then adjust this setting in the kafka-extension configuration file

    <kafka-configuration> ... ... <internal> <option> <key>kafka.topic.default.replication-factor</key> <value>3</value> </option> <option> <key>kafka.topic.default.partitions</key> <value>6</value> </option> </internal> </kafka-configuration>
  3. Restart the kafka-extension and test again.


If the error persists, copy the error message and exception stack trace and contact HiveMQ Support for further investigation.

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