License Expiration Alerts with Grafana

License Expiration Alerts with Grafana

A deployed HiveMQ cluster will share the number of remaining valid days of the currently used license in Control Center, the application log (hivemq.log) as well as through the metric com_hivemq_license_days_till_expire. This allows for various ways in which an administrator can set up alerting to prevent downtimes due to expired licenses.

Setting up an alert

Assuming we have a data source which exposes HiveMQ metrics available in our Grafana, we can simply navigate to Alert rules and start the setup by clicking Add new rule.



Define query and alert condition

Next we will set up the conditions for alerting. The metric here will be the previously mentioned com_hivemq_license_days_till_expire


Choose a sensible threshold. Anywhere from 30 days or more should give enough time to react.


Evaluation behavior

As we are given more than a month to react, hourly evaluation of the rule will more than suffice



Finally set a label and choose an alertmanager such as default email. Once done, you can Save rule and exit.

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