How to install psql on Linux

How to install psql on Linux


For Ubuntu and Debian-based Systems:

  1. Update Package Lists:

    sudo apt update
  2. Install psql:

    sudo apt install postgresql-client
  3. Test Installation:

    psql --version

For Fedora:

  1. Install psql:

    sudo dnf install postgresql
  2. Test Installation:

    psql --version

For CentOS:

  1. Enable PostgreSQL Repository:

    sudo yum install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
  2. Install psql:

    sudo yum install postgresql14
  3. Test Installation:

    psql --version

For openSUSE:

  1. Install psql:

    sudo zypper install postgresql
  2. Test Installation:

    psql --version

Generic Linux Instructions:

If your distribution isn't mentioned, you can often use your package manager to install psql. For example:

  • For Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu):

    sudo apt-get install postgresql-client
  • For Red Hat-based systems (like CentOS):

    sudo yum install postgresql
  • For systems using the zypper package manager (like openSUSE):

    sudo zypper install postgresql


Remember that you might need to adjust the commands based on your Linux distribution. Once installed, you can use psql to connect to PostgreSQL databases from the command line.

Verify the installation by running:

psql --version

These instructions are general, and the package names might vary slightly based on the Linux distribution and version. Adjust the commands accordingly based on your system.

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