Expose HiveMQ Control Center service using HiveMQ Operator


The default login for the control center is username admin and password hivemq.

Exposing port 8080 using Port Forwarding

  • Run the following command to get the services and look for the MQTT service (hivemq-hivemq-cc in our case)

    kubectl get services
  • Run the port forwarding as follows

    kubectl port-forward hivemq-hivemq-cc 8080:8080
  • After running this command, you can access the control center on localhost:8080

Exposing the control center using a Load Balancer

  1. Open values.yaml and search for port 1880 under hivemq.ports.port

    - name: "cc" port: 8080 expose: true patch: - '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/sessionAffinity","value":"ClientIP"}]' # If you want Kubernetes to expose the HiveMQ control center via load balancer. # Warning: You should consider configuring proper security and TLS beforehand. Ingress may be a better option here. # - '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/type","value":"LoadBalancer"}]'
  2. Uncomment and expose the loadbalancer for control center

  3. Save the file and apply the changes

  4. Check if the service for port 8080 has an external IP address ( in our case)


  5. Open the browser using the IP address and port e.g.

Securing your setup with basic username/password change

  • Open values.yaml and look for the following section under override

  • Generate an encrypted shasum (in our case, username : test , password : abc123 ). This generates a hashed password.

  • Update the field username and password

  • Save the file and apply the changes

  • Once the pods spin up again, the new username/password should be applied. We tested it with incorrect password which leads to an error. The correct password works.

Please check out official documentation here HiveMQ Control Center Configuration :: HiveMQ Documentation

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