Install HiveMQ using Kubernetes Operator

Install HiveMQ using Kubernetes Operator


We recommend creating separate namespaces for each product e.g. HiveMQ, Kafka, Swarm etc to easily manage the installations.

Create a HiveMQ namespace

  1. Create a new namespace

    kubectl create namespace hivemq
  2. Set the namespace as the default

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=hivemq
  3. You can confirm your namespace using the following

    kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{..namespace}'

Add Helm repository and download values.yaml file

  • To use the HiveMQ Kubernetes Operator to deploy and manage your HiveMQ cluster on the Kubernetes nodes, you need to add the HiveMQ Helm repository to your Helm installation:

  • Download the values.yaml file and open it in a code editor of your choice( we use VSCode). This file will be modified for configuration changes in the future


The values.yaml contains resource definitions such as cpu , memory , disk size and others. In our case we use the following

  • nodecount: 3

  • cpu: "4"

  • memory: "4Gi"

  • ephemeralStorage: "15Gi"

Apply the changes to the cluster

Verify if the HiveMQ Cluster is running successfully

Please make sure that pods are running successfully after the change, it may take some time for the pods to be ready

Check the Hivemq deployment log by running the following and checking for INFO - Started HiveMQ in XYZ ms