Monitoring and Metrics Exporting using HiveMQ Operator

Monitoring and Metrics Exporting using HiveMQ Operator

Enabling the service

  • Update the following values in values.yaml file to true, this exposes Prometheus and Grafana services.

monitoring: dedicated: true enabled: true
  • Save the file and apply the changes

helm upgrade hivemq --install hivemq/hivemq-operator --values values.yaml
  • Now run the following command to check the restarted services, the Prometheus and Grafana services should be running as shown in the screenshot

kubernetes get services

Configure monitoring

  • To access the Grafana dashboard, forward the Grafana port to your local machine:

kubectl port-forward svc/hivemq-grafana 8081:80
  • To open your Grafana dashboard, go to http://localhost:8081

  • Log in with the default login credentials: username: admin, password: prom-operator.

  • Go to Dashboards>Browse and select the HiveMQ Cluster dashboard to view the most important HiveMQ metrics

Exporting the metrics to share with the support team using HiveMQ Exporter tool

Please use the following KB to export the relevant metrics with HiveMQ Support team for debugging issues.

KB article: https://hivemq.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/2403205144

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