Issue Priorities (HiveMQ Cloud)

Issue Priorities (HiveMQ Cloud)

The following table describes the meaning behind the four priority categories.







P 1

The Incident prevents Customer from continuing use of HiveMQ Service, or critically impacting a core function of the Service.

No workaround has been provided.
Priority 1 cases can only occur in production.

100% loss of business critical functionality.

E.g. None of the clients receiving any message.

P 2

The Incident impacts Customer’s ability to use the HiveMQ Service, the severity of which is significant and may be repetitive in nature.

100% loss of business critical HiveMQ functionality in non-production environment.

A business critical functionality is majorly impacting the business.

E.g. Majority of the clients not receiving any message.

P 3

Minor errors which do not inhibit any of the necessary functionality of the Service. Error negligibly impacts Customer’s ability to use the Service, and the Service remains functional.

E.g. Few of the clients not receiving any message.

P 4

Cosmetic or documentation related errors. Non HiveMQ related questions.

Asking for recommendations of any kind.

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