Setting Up HiveMQ License for Your HiveMQ Cluster using HiveMQ Platform Operator

Setting Up HiveMQ License for Your HiveMQ Cluster using HiveMQ Platform Operator

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up a HiveMQ license for your HiveMQ cluster.


Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install the HiveMQ Platform Operator:

    helm install platform-op hivemq/hivemq-platform-operator
  2. Create a secret for the HiveMQ license:
    Use the following command to create a Kubernetes secret for the HiveMQ license, replacing <path/to/your/lic/file> with the actual path to your license file:

    kubectl create secret generic hivemq-license --from-file <path/to/your/lic/file>

    You can add multiple licenses with the option --from-file, for example: Adding license Enterprise bridge extension, Enterprise Security extension or any other enterprise extension.
    Please refer following command.

    kubectl create secret generic hivemq-license --from-file <path/to/your/lic/file> --from-file <path/to/your/ese.lic>
  3. Set the license in the HiveMQ Platform values.yaml:
    Generate the values.yaml file for the HiveMQ Platform:

    Edit the hivemq_values.yaml file, locate the "license" block and configure the name of the secret to be the same as the one created in the previous step. Refer to the following example:

  4. Deploy the HiveMQ broker:


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