Consul-template sidecar | HiveMQ Platform Operator (new)

Consul-template sidecar | HiveMQ Platform Operator (new)


  1. These instructions assume that the secrets in the vault are in the following structure:

    hivemq-poc1 └── opt └── hivemq ├── conf │   ├── key.passphrase │   ├── keystore.password │   ├── keystore_base64 │   ├── truststore.password │   └── truststore_base64 └── license └── license_base64

    To achieve such a structure in the Hashicorp Vault at a kv-2 path, and enable hivemq to read from the path, the following commands in the Hashicorp Vault are used:

    # Enable Vault to store key-value pairs at path hivemq-poc1 vault secrets enable -path=hivemq-poc1 kv-v2 # Create vault secrets from files cd /tmp vault kv put hivemq-poc1/opt/hivemq/conf keystore_base64="$(base64 </tmp/broker-keystore.jks)" \ keystore.password=changeme key.passphrase=changeme vault kv put hivemq-poc1/opt/hivemq/conf truststore_base64="$(base64 </tmp/broker-truststore.jks)" vault kv put hivemq-poc1/opt/hivemq/license license_base64="$(base64 </tmp/hivemq4.lic)" # Enable hivemq to read from paths vault policy write hivemq - <<EOF path "hivemq-poc1/data/opt/hivemq/license" { capabilities = ["read"] } path "hivemq-poc1/data/opt/hivemq/conf" { capabilities = ["read"] } EOF

    If your secrets in the vault are stored differently, you must adopt the consul-template.hcl accordingly.


  2. Create a config map with the Consul Template script which will get secrets from the vault and decode them to normal files:

    apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: consul-template namespace: hivemq data: consul-template.hcl: | template { contents = "{{ with secret (printf \"%s/opt/hivemq/license\" (mustEnv \"TARGET_ENV\")) }}{{ base64Decode .Data.data.license_base64 }}{{ end }}" destination = "/opt/hivemq/license/hivemq4.lic" } template { contents = "{{ with secret (printf \"%s/opt/hivemq/conf\" (mustEnv \"TARGET_ENV\")) }}{{ base64Decode .Data.data.keystore_base64 }}{{ end }}" destination = "/opt/hivemq/keystore/broker-keystore.jks" } template { contents = "{{ with secret (printf \"%s/opt/hivemq/conf\" (mustEnv \"TARGET_ENV\")) }}{{ base64Decode .Data.data.truststore_base64 }}{{ end }}" destination = "/opt/hivemq/keystore/broker-truststore.jks" }
  3. Add init container to the hivemq-platform values.yaml

  4. Add the additional container to the hivemq-platform values.yaml:

  5. Add additional volumes to the hivemq-platform values.yaml:


  6. Install HiveMQ Platform Operator

  7. Install HiveMQ Platform broker

If Helm upgrade broker fails, for example, because of a mistake in a test configuration, do not immediately force-delete broker pods. Instead, first uninstall the release:

helm uninstall broker

Only if the uninstallation cannot terminate broker pods, force delete them:

kubectl delete pod --selector hivemq-platform=broker --grace-period=0 --force

Tested with:

  • Helm v3.15.4

  • Kubernetes v1.29.7

  • Kubectl v1.29.2

  • Kubernetes provider: AKS 2xStandard_A8_v2 Kubernetes v1.29.7

  • HiveMQ 4.31.0 (Helm chart: hivemq/hivemq-platform-0.2.21)

  • HiveMQ Platform Operator 1.5.1 (Helm chart: hivemq-platform-operator-0.2.9)

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