Could not start Websocket Listener with TLS on port 443


A HiveMQ cannot start a listener right on port 443 because (by default) the hivemq-operator deploys HiveMQ with a regular non-root user and ports <1024 cannot be bound by processes not running as root.


  1. Set expose: false in the values.yaml:

    ports: - name: "wss" port: 8765 expose: false
  2. Update the service with an inward-facing targetPort: 8765 and an outward-facing port: 443 like follows:

    kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: hivemq-wss-service namespace: myhivemqnamespace labels: app: hivemq hivemq-cluster: myhivemqcluster spec: selector: hivemq-cluster: myhivemqcluster ports: - name: wss port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8765 type: LoadBalancer externalTrafficPolicy: Local

This will allow HiveMQ to start the listener on port 8765 and get it exposed to your MQTT WebSocket clients on port 443 on the outside.