\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
Install Vault:
git clone https://github.com/hashicorp-education/learn-vault-secrets-operator.git
cd learn-vault-secrets-operator
helm repo add hashicorp https://helm.releases.hashicorp.com
helm repo update hashicorp
helm install vault hashicorp/vault -n vault --create-namespace --values vault/vault-values.yaml
Convert the license and copy to the vault:
cat hivemq.lic | base64 > hivemq.lic.b64 kubectl cp hivemq.lic.b64 vault-0:/tmp/hivemq.lic.b64
Attach to the Vault:
kubectl exec --stdin=true --tty=true vault-0 -n vault -- /bin/sh
Run in the vault:
Verify you have “root” token:
vault token lookup #Key Value #--- ----- #accessor ma6KC5nhNdTmANzeco0Evtdm #creation_time 1707226849 #creation_ttl 0s #display_name token #entity_id n/a #expire_time <nil> #explicit_max_ttl 0s #id root #issue_time 2024-02-06T13:40:49.967795042Z #meta <nil> #num_uses 0 #orphan true #path auth/token/create #policies [root] #renewable false #ttl 0s #type service
Enable secrets on the path:
vault secrets enable -path=hivemq-mqtt/obc-poc/opt/hivemq/license kv-v2 #Success! Enabled the kv-v2 secrets engine at: hivemq-mqtt/obc-poc/opt/hivemq/license/
Put the content of the base64 encoded file to the vault secret at the path:
vault kv put hivemq-mqtt/obc-poc/opt/hivemq/license/hivemq.lic.b64 mydata="$(cat /tmp/hivemq.lic.b64)" #======================= Secret Path ======================= #hivemq-mqtt/obc-poc/opt/hivemq/license/data/hivemq.lic.b64 # #======= Metadata ======= #Key Value #--- ----- #created_time 2024-02-06T17:22:44.720536373Z #custom_metadata <nil> #deletion_time n/a #destroyed false #version 2 vault kv list hivemq-mqtt/obc-poc/opt/hivemq/license/ #Keys #---- #hivemq.lic.b64
List vault secrets at the path:
vault kv list hivemq-mqtt/obc-poc/opt/hivemq/license/ #Keys #---- #hivemq.lic.b64
Exit from the vault container
Consult-template.hcl file:
Edit the hivemq-operator/values.yaml and add the sidecar:
hivemq: # Custom container spec to add to the HiveMQ Pod sidecars: - name: consul-template-container image: hashicorp/consul-template:latest command: [ "consul-template", "-config", "/hivemq-data/conf/consul-template.hcl" ] #command: [ "consul-template", "-version" ] env: - name: TARGET_ENV value: hivemq-mqtt/obc-poc volumeMounts: - name: consul-template-files mountPath: /hivemq-data/conf # Custom init container specs to add to the HiveMQ Pod. This is an extension of the initialization field. In comparison, this field does not have any defaults but allows for more granular configuration using the full K8s Container API initContainers: []
Edit the hivemq-operator/values.yaml and add the volume with consul-template.hcl
hivemq: # Additional volumes to add to the HiveMQ Pod additionalVolumes: - name: consul-template-files configMap: name: consul-template-files
Create the configMap with consul-template-files
kubectl create configmap consul-template-files -n hivemq --from-file consul-template.hcl
Install hivemq
helm upgrade hivemq --install hivemq/hivemq-operator -n hivemq -f hivemq-operator/values.yam
TODO: continue
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