Table of Contents |
Prequisite - Access to a running HiveMQ Cluster using KubectlPrerequisite
Access to infrastructure with Kubectl
Kubectl, Helm and MQTT CLI Prerequisite - Software Packages
We recommend creating separate namespaces for each product e.g. HiveMQ, Kafka, Swarm etc to easily manage the installations.
Create a HiveMQ namespace
Create a new namespace
Code Block kubectl create namespace hivemq
Set the namespace as the default
Code Block kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=hivemq
You can confirm your namespace using the following
Code Block kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{..namespace}'
Apply the changes to the cluster
Pod creation takes time(~3 min for us), please check the pods and services for latest status.
Code Block |
helm upgrade hivemq --install hivemq/hivemq-operator --values values.yaml |
Next steps
Monitoring and Metrics Exporting with HiveMQ AKS Clusterusing HiveMQ Operator