\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
Put secrets to the vault and enable These instructions assume that the secrets are put into the vault in the following way and it is enabled to read them via policy “hivemq”“
”:Code Block language bash vault secrets enable -path=hivemq-poc1 kv-v2 cd /tmp vault kv put hivemq-poc1/opt/hivemq/conf keystore_base64="$(base64 </tmp/broker-keystore.jks)" \ keystore.password=changeme key.passphrase=changeme vault kv put hivemq-poc1/opt/hivemq/conf truststore_base64="$(base64 </tmp/broker-truststore.jks)" vault kv put hivemq-poc1/opt/hivemq/license license_base64="$(base64 </tmp/hivemq4.lic)" vault policy write hivemq - <<EOF path "hivemq-poc1/data/opt/hivemq/license" { capabilities = ["read"] } path "hivemq-poc1/data/opt/hivemq/conf" { capabilities = ["read"] } EOF
This means that the secrets in the vault have the following structure:
Code Block hivemq-poc1 └── opt └── hivemq ├── conf │ ├── key.passphrase │ ├── keystore.password │ └── keystore_base64 └── license └── license_base64
In this example, the path in the vault is
and it contains keyskeystore_base64
, keystore.password,
, and pathhivemq-poc1/data/opt/hivemq/license
contains keylicense_base64
If your secrets in the vault are stored differently, you must adopt theconsul-template.hcl
accordingly.Create the HCL template to fetch and decode the secrets:
consul-template.yamlCode Block language yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: consul-template namespace: hivemq data: consul-template.hcl: | template { contents = "{{ with secret (printf \"%s/opt/hivemq/license\" (mustEnv \"TARGET_ENV\")) }}{{ base64Decode .Data.data.license_base64 }}{{ end }}" destination = "/opt/hivemq/license/hivemq4.lic" } template { contents = "{{ with secret (printf \"%s/opt/hivemq/conf\" (mustEnv \"TARGET_ENV\")) }}{{ base64Decode .Data.data.keystore_base64 }}{{ end }}" destination = "/opt/hivemq/keystore/broker-keystore.jks" } template { contents = "{{ with secret (printf \"%s/opt/hivemq/conf\" (mustEnv \"TARGET_ENV\")) }}{{ base64Decode .Data.data.truststore_base64 }}{{ end }}" destination = "/opt/hivemq/keystore/broker-truststore.jks" }
Code Block language bash kubectl apply -f consul-template.yaml --namespace hivemq
Add init container to the hivemq-platform values.yaml
Code Block language yaml AadditionalInitContainersadditionalInitContainers: - name: init-consul-template image: hashicorp/consul-template:latest command: [ "consul-template", "-once", "-config", "/consul-template/consul-template.hcl", "-kill-signal", "SIGTERM", "-log-level", "debug" ] env: - name: VAULT_ADDR value: http://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200 - name: VAULT_TOKEN value: root - name: TARGET_ENV value: hivemq-poc1/data volumeMounts: - name: consul-template mountPath: /consul-template - name: hivemq-license mountPath: /opt/hivemq/license - name: hivemq-keystore mountPath: /opt/hivemq/keystore
Add the additional container to the hivemq-platform values.yaml:
Code Block language yaml additionalContainers: - name: sidecar-consul-template image: hashicorp/consul-template:latest command: [ '/bin/sh', '-c' ] args: - | trap 'echo "Terminating container"; exit 0' SIGTERM consul-template -config /consul-template/consul-template.hcl -kill-signal SIGTERM -log-level debug" & while true; do sleep 1; done env: - name: VAULT_ADDR value: http://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200 - name: VAULT_TOKEN value: root - name: TARGET_ENV value: hivemq-poc1/data volumeMounts: # Volume consul-template to read the consul-template.hcl from - name: consul-template mountPath: /consul-template # Volume hivemq-license to store the decoded license - name: hivemq-license mountPath: /opt/hivemq/license # Volume hivemq-keystore to store the keystore and truststore - name: hivemq-keystore mountPath: /opt/hivemq/keystore
Add additional volumes to the hivemq-platform values.yaml:
Code Block language yaml additionalVolumes: # Volume hivemq-license to store the decoded license - name: hivemq-license path: /opt/hivemq/license type: emptyDir containerName: hivemq # Volume hivemq-keystore to store the keystore and truststore - type: emptyDir name: hivemq-keystore containerName: hivemq path: /opt/hivemq/keystore # Volume consul-template with consul-template.hcl file - type: configMap name: consul-template containerName: sidecar-consul-template path: /consul-template
Install HiveMQ Platform Operator
Code Block language bash helm upgrade op --install hivemq/hivemq-platform-operator --set logLevel=DEBUG
Install HiveMQ Platform broker
Code Block language bash helm upgrade broker --install hivemq/hivemq-platform --values values-hivemq-platform.yaml