HiveMQ Installation Guide - Windows Server 2022 on AWS


  • Access to AWS (we are using AWS EC2 to spin up Windows Server 2022, if you already have a server, you can skip to Installation of HiveMQ. Please note the minimal Hardware requirements. )

  • Remote Desktop Client (E.g. Microsoft Remote Desktop App for Mac)

Spinning up the Windows Server

  • Log in to AWS and go to EC2 console

  • Click on “Launch Instance”

  • Enter a name (e.g. HiveMQ Windows Server) and select the Windows Image

  • Select the Minimum configuration required for HiveMQ installation , We selected t2.xlarge with 4 CPU and 16 GB RAM, you can select any instance that matches your performance and pricing needs

    • At least 4 GB of RAM

    • 4 or more CPUs

    • 100 GB or more free disk space.

  • Create a KeyPair and download it, you will need it later to login to the environment

  • Allow RDP to remote desktop into the server. Please replace Anywhere with a custom IP for increased security as per your requirements.

  • Next, select Storage, we are taking the minimum value of 100GB

  • Click on “Launch Instance”

Connecting to the EC2 instance

  • Go to EC2>Instances and find your instance

  • Select the Instance and click on Connect

  • Download the remote desktop file

  • Click on “Get password”

  • Upload the private key from the last steps and note the password somewhere, this is the login password for Windows

  • Double Click the Remote desktop file and connect using the password

  • Windows should be up and running


Next steps