Access to AWS (we are using AWS EC2 to spin up Windows Server 2022, if you already have a server, you can skip to Installation of HiveMQ. Please note the minimal Hardware requirements. )
Remote Desktop Client (E.g. Microsoft Remote Desktop App for Mac)
Log in to AWS and go to EC2 console
Click on “Launch Instance”
Enter a name (e.g. HiveMQ Windows Server) and select the Windows Image
Select the Minimum configuration required for HiveMQ installation , We selected t2.xlarge with 4 CPU and 16 GB RAM, you can select any instance that matches your performance and pricing needs
At least 4 GB of RAM
4 or more CPUs
100 GB or more free disk space.
Create a KeyPair and download it, you will need it later to login to the environment
Allow RDP to remote desktop into the server. Please replace Anywhere with a custom IP for increased security as per your requirements.
Next, select Storage, we are taking the minimum value of 100GB
Click on “Launch Instance”
Go to EC2>Instances and find your instance
Select the Instance and click on Connect
Download the remote desktop file
Click on “Get password”
Upload the private key from the last steps and note the password somewhere, this is the login password for Windows
Double Click the Remote desktop file and connect using the password
Windows should be up and running
Next steps
Setup and test HiveMQ Broker Install HiveMQ on Windows Server 2022