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HiveMQ requires a valid license file placed in the /opt/hivemq/license directory within the HiveMQ container to operate properly. You can specify this license file using HiveMQ Operator in three different ways: as a raw value in the values.yaml file, as a configMap in the values.yaml file, or as a Secret in the values.yaml file. This article will guide you through the process of using a Kubernetes Secret.

\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions

  1. If you don't have the values.yaml file for the HiveMQ Operator yet, you can retrieve it from the HiveMQ Helm repository and save it to a file named values.yaml using the following command:

    Code Block
    helm show values 'hivemq/hivemq-operator' > values.yaml
  2. Edit the values.yaml file to configure the mapping of the HiveMQ license Secret to mount it into the HiveMQ container directory /opt/hivemq/license. Find the hivemq section in the values.yaml file and add the following lines:

    Code Block
      # Secrets to mount to the HiveMQ pods. These can be mounted to existing directories without shadowing the folder contents as well.
      - name: hivemq-license
        path: /opt/hivemq/license
  3. Create a Kubernetes Secret with the name hivemq-license using the kubectl command. Make sure to place the license file, in this case, hivemq-2023.lic, in the same namespace where the HiveMQ Operator is running (replace 'hivemq-namespace' with your actual namespace):

    Code Block
    kubectl create secret generic 'hivemq-license' \
      --from-file 'hivemq-license.lic' \
      --namespace 'hivemq-namespace'
  4. Now, you can install HiveMQ with the specified license. Use the following helm upgrade command, providing a release name (e.g., 'hivemq-release'), the Helm chart ('hivemq/hivemq-operator'), the target namespace ('hivemq'), and the values.yaml file you edited earlier:

    Code Block
    helm upgrade 'hivemq-release' \
      --install 'hivemq/hivemq-operator' \
      --namespace 'hivemq' \
      --values 'values.yaml'

    HiveMQ will be installed with the license file from the Kubernetes Secret, ensuring that it operates with the appropriate licensing.

    That's it! You've successfully configured HiveMQ to use a license file from a Kubernetes Secret using HiveMQ Operator.

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