\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
Get the URL and token of First, ensure you have the VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN from the external vault readyat hand.
Put Next, put your secrets to in the vault. In this article, we store files in the vault encoded with base64.
Now, update the HiveMQ Platform values.yaml and configure that license, keystore, trustore, and their passwords are taken from relevant secrets.
Specify that the license should be taken from the secrethivemq-license-v
Code Block language yaml # Configures the HiveMQ License information. license: create: false name: "hivemq-license-v" data: "" overrideLicense: ""
Specify that the keystore should be taken from the secret
Code Block language yaml # Secure WebSocket service configuration - type: websocket exposed: true containerPort: 8000 keystoreSecretName: "hivemq-keystore-v" keystoreSecretKey: "keystore" keystorePassword: "" keystorePrivatePassword: "" keystorePasswordSecretName: "hivemq-keystore-password-v" keystorePasswordSecretKey: "keystore.password" keystorePrivatePasswordSecretKey: "keystore.password" # Mutual TLS configuration values truststoreSecretName: "hivemq-truststore-v" truststoreSecretKey: "truststore" truststorePassword: "" truststorePasswordSecretName: "hivemq-truststore-password-v" tlsClientAuthenticationMode: "OPTIONAL"
Example HiveMQ Platform values.yaml:
View file name values-hivemq-platform.yaml Install the HiveMQ Platform Operator and HiveMQ Platform
Code Block language bash helm upgrade op --install hivemq/hivemq-platform-operator --set logLevel=DEBUG --namespace hivemq
Code Block language bash helm upgrade op --install hivemq/hivemq-platform --values values-hivemq-platform.yaml --namespace hivemq
Check the HiveMQ broker stateful set logs to make sure the license, keystore and trustore are applied correctly.