Option 1: Define global
in the Platform Operator, that are applied to all managed HiveMQ Platforms.HiveMQ Platform Operator Helm chart:
Code Block language yaml globalimage: rbac: create: true # Create a PodSecurityPolicy, cluster role, role binding and service account for the HiveMQ pods and assign the service account to them. # Disabled by default. PodSecurityPolicy has been removed from Kubernetes versions starting with v1.25 https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/ pspEnabled: false pspAnnotations: {} securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 1000 allowedCapabilities: [] # Image pull secrets for operator, hivemq or other images. imagePullSecrets: [] <-- applied dynamically on all managed platforms # - name: hivemq-pull-secretrepository: docker.io/hivemq name: hivemq-platform-operator tag: 1.5.0 initImageName: hivemq-platform-operator-init pullPolicy: IfNotPresent pullSecretName: ""
Option 2: Configure
in the HiveMQ Platformimage:
section, and they apply to all containers (including sidecars and init containers).HiveMQ Platform values.yaml
Code Block language yaml # HiveMQ Platform container image configuration image: repository: docker.io/hivemq name: hivemq4 tag: 4.31.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent <-- applied to all containers pullSecretName: "" <-- applied to all containers