Table of Contents |
Create a namespace for Kafka and switch the context to it:
Code Block language bash kubectl create namespace kafka; kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kafka
Add the repository for the Kafka Helm chart to your package manager.
Code Block language bash helm repo add bitnami helm repo update
Deploy the Kafka server using the Helm chart. The below command deploys Kafka with 2 brokers (replicas).
Code Block language bash helm upgrade --install kafka bitnami/kafka --namespace=kafka --set replicaCount=2
If everything is correct, then
Kafka can be accessed by consumers via port 9092 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
The CLIENT listener for Kafka client connections from within your cluster has been configured with the following security settings:
SASL authentication
To connect a client to your Kafka:
To get the password execute the command below:(skip % at the end)
Code Block language bash kubectl get secret kafka-user-passwords --namespace kafka \ -o jsonpath='{.data.client-passwords}' | base64 -d | cut -d , -f 1;
HiveMQ Enterprise Extension For Kafka requires a separate license file, e.g. kafka-license.elic, in the $HIVEMQ_HOME/license directory. You can skip this step. If you skip this step, then the kafka-extension will start in trial mode, limited to 5h, and will be automatically disabled by the HiveMQ broker after 5h. To add the kafka-license.elic along with the hivemq-license.lic, create a new configmap hivemq-license including all desired license files:
Code Block language bash kubectl create configmap hivemq-license --namespace=hivemq \ --from-file hivemq-licesen.lic \ --from-file kafka-license.elic
Edit the values.yaml file of the hivemq-operator, section
. Update this:Code Block configMaps: [] # ConfigMaps to mount to the HiveMQ pods. These can be mounted to existing directories without shadowing the folder contents as well. #- name: hivemq-license # path: /opt/hivemq/license
To this:
Code Block configMaps: - name: hivemq-license path: /opt/hivemq/license
This will mount the content of the configMap
to the directory/opt/hivemq/license
of the hivemq-broker pods.HiveMQ Enterprise Extension For Kafka is preinstalled with HiveMQ so once you enable it, it will look for its configuration file. You must prepare this file before enabling the extension. If you skip this step, the extension will not find its configuration file and will not load any configuration.
Prepare a simple configuration file for kafka-extension as in the example below.
this example configuration will map all incoming MQTT publish packets to the topic “test” in Kafka; and will map the topic “test” in Kafka to the topic “test-test” in the HiveMQ broker
Use your password in
, that you successfully retrieved with this command a few steps ago:Code Block language bash kubectl get secret kafka-user-passwords --namespace kafka \ -o jsonpath='{.data.client-passwords}' | base64 -d | cut -d , -f 1;
Here is the file: