If you do not have a valid HiveMQ license, the HiveMQ cluster uses a trial licence that allows up to 25 concurrent client connections and is limited to testing and evaluation purposes only. To obtain a HiveMQ licence that is suitable for production use, or request an evaluation licence that allows more connections, contact our customer service team. |
In case you get the following error , you can fix it by setting subscription for your account
The client XYZ with object id 'ABCD' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/write' over scope or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.
Code: AuthorizationFailed
Steps to fix the error:
1. go to subscriptions under your azure account and look for subscription ID
2. Run the following command to set subscription for your account:az account set --subscription subscriptionID
In case you do not see the right nodes, please check and fix the current context
Check the current context, this should be set to HiveMQCluster in this case
kubectl config current-context
Fix the context
kubectl config use-context HiveMQCluster