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explains how to expose the HiveMQ Control Center and Rest API using Ingress.

For this you have to have a Kubernetes Ingress Controller of your choice (e.g. NGINX, Traefik, Voyager, …) already setup and running.


Exposing the HiveMQ resources without a proper TLS implementation is not recommended in production so keep in mind to enhance the Ingress configuration with TLS as documented by the Ingress provider.


  • The Kubernetes Ingress Controller of your choice (e.g. NGINX, Traefik, Voyager, …) is already set up and running.

  • k8s version 1.16+ is installed

  • Helm version 3 is installed

  • The Hivemq k8s operator repo is already added in the helm repo

Architecture Overview


(Source: )



  1. To deploy HiveMQ in Kubernetes using Helm you have to download the default values.yaml file from the official GitHub repository first.

  2. After this, you have to edit the file so the HiveMQ Control Center “cc” and the HiveMQ Rest API “api” will not get exposed (expose: false). You also have to uncomment the "api" section as you can see in the following example. With this configuration, the HiveMQ Kubernetes Operator will not create Kubernetes services for those HiveMQ components:

Code Block
  # The ports can be edited or expanded upon, but the MQTT port must be the first one.
    - name: "mqtt"
      port: 1883
      expose: true
        - '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/selector/","value":"false"},{"op":"add","path":"/metadata/annotations","value":{"service.spec.externalTrafficPolicy":"Local"}}]'
        # If you want Kubernetes to expose the MQTT port to external traffic
        # - '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/type","value":"LoadBalancer"}]'
    - name: "cc"
      port: 8080
      expose: false
        - '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/sessionAffinity","value":"ClientIP"}]'
        # If you want Kubernetes to expose the HiveMQ control center via load balancer.
        # Warning: You should consider configuring proper security and TLS beforehand. Ingress may be a better option here.
        # - '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/type","value":"LoadBalancer"}]'
  # To enable the HiveMQ REST API and expose it as a service. Be aware of the security risks of exposing the REST API
    - name: "api"
      port: 8888
      expose: false
        - '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/sessionAffinity","value":"ClientIP"}]'


3. HiveMQ installation using custom values

For the installation using Helm, you have to add the official HiveMQ Helm repository and install the Helm chart using the modified values.yaml file.

Code Block
helm repo add hivemq
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml hivemq-prod hivemq/hivemq-operator # you can change "hivemq-prod" to fit your needs

The HiveMQ Kubernetes Operator will automatically create all the necessary Kubernetes resources for you.

4. Expose the HiveMQ Control Center and REST API inside the Kubernetes Cluster

The following file hivemq-service.yaml will create a Service called "hivemq-cc-service" with type ClusterIP to expose the HiveMQ Control Center and REST API inside your Kubernetes cluster.


Code Block
NAME                                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
hivemq-cc-service                      ClusterIP   <Cluster-IP>    <none>        8080/TCP,8888/TCP   <Age>

Deploy Ingress

5. At this point we already have deployed HiveMQ with the desired components, but for now it’s only available from within the Kubernetes cluster.

To expose it outside the Kubernetes cluster, you have to set up an a Kubernetes Ingress Controller as a Proxy with a corresponding Ingress Resource, which will configure the Ingress Controller properly.

Keep in mind that the syntax of the following Ingress definition is in ingress.yaml depends on your Kubernetes version and Ingress Controller. You can find the required informations at information in the documentation of your Ingress Provider.
